Elon Musk To Focus Twitter Towards Innovation And Progress And Away From Cultural Marxism

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Elon Musk t the Met Gala.

Elon Musk, the newly-minted CEO of Twitter and thorn in the side of leftists, made massive waves when it was announced that he would purchase the entirety of Twitter’s stock, apparently unsatisfied by his initial nine-ish percent stake. Indeed, his open commitment to promoting free speech in order to facilitate a better-functioning democracy was met with tremendous ire from the globalists, who were suddenly worried once again about economic power and communication channels being concentrated in a few hands, conveniently forgetting to complain about how monopolized the mainstream media is. More recently, it would appear that the modern-day Iron Man also wishes to propel the social media giant in a direction honest companies have long successfully used to stay relevant, and that is towards genuine innovation and technological progress.

According to The Epoch Times, Musk has laid out several core expectations he has for his employees at Twitter, one of them being a very strong work ethic as opposed to more traditional abilities such as pearl-clutching, virtue signaling, and pious bleating, which Twitter employees have grown so accustomed to. Indeed, Musk appears to be laser-focused on setting high standards for technical skills amongst the relevant managers instead of making sure they are as politically correct as humanly possible.

“I strongly believe that all managers in a technical area must be technically excellent,” Musk wrote. “Managers in software must write great software or it’s like being a cavalry captain who can’t ride a horse!”

This is of course on top of all his statements regarding his commitment to genuinely free speech on his newly acquired platform.

“Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated,” Musk said in a statement. “I also want to make Twitter better than ever by enhancing the product with new features, making the algorithms open source to increase trust, defeating the spam bots, and authenticating all humans. Twitter has tremendous potential—I look forward to working with the company and the community of users to unlock it.”

Unsurprisingly, there has been backlash from the powers that be from every conceivable direction. One relatively peculiar source of this opposition has come in the form of the Orlando Police Pension Fund, which filed a legal complaint in Delaware against both Twitter and Musk himself. According to their esteemed wisdom, they believe Elon Musk is not able to legally complete his takeover of Twitter until 2025, an exception being if he is able to be approved to purchase two-thirds of the shares not previously owned by him when he purchased his initial stake.

Source: Big League Politics


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