Kidney stones prevention tips by Hiranandani Hospital Powai

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The medical word for kidney stones is “nephrolithiasis.” It forms inside the kidney or urinary system. According to Dr Sujit Chatterjee CEO Hiranandani hospital, kidney stones affect one out of every twenty persons at some time in their lives. Kidney stones can be avoided by eating the correct foods, drinking lots of water, and using the right medications.

Causes of kidney stones 

  • When there is a reduction in urine volume and/or an excess of stone-forming chemicals in the urine, kidney stones occur.
  • Kidney stone development is exacerbated by dehydration.

Symptoms of kidney stones

  • Kidney stone pain has been compared to childbirth or being stabbed with a knife by some people.
  • A kidney stone causes flank discomfort (which can be extremely severe) as well as blood in the urine.
  • Nausea and vomiting are typical in persons who have kidney stones.
  • Fever and chills are symptoms of a kidney infection or another illness in the urinary system.

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Risks of getting kidney stones

  • A genetic factor enhances your chance of kidney stones; 40% of those who get kidney stones have relatives who do as well.
  • An excess of certain minerals in your body might raise your risk.
  • Kidney stones are more common in those who are overweight. If you have diabetes, the same is true.
  • Gout, a painful disorder in which uric acid builds up in the blood, raises your chances of developing kidney stones.
  • Your risk may increase if you’ve undergone some type of gastric bypass surgery or other intestinal operations.
  • You may be more prone to kidney stones if you have certain renal conditions.

How to prevent kidney stones?

  • Take control of your diet and any meds you’ve been prescribed.
  • Look at the food labels. Look through the components. Avoid foods rich in sodium chloride, monosodium glutamate (MSG), and sodium nitrate.
  • Make prudent eating choices. In general, it’s a good idea to include more spinach and almonds in your diet. However, if you develop calcium oxalate stones, the most frequent variety, your doctor may advise you to reduce oxalate-rich meals.
  • Excess dairy and animal protein might increase your risk of developing less common forms of kidney stones.
  • Citrate-rich citrus fruits like lemons and limes can help avoid kidney stones.

How to treat kidney stones?

Hiranandani Hospital Kidney treatments such as an ultrasound, intravenous pyelography (IVP), or a CT scan are the best ways to diagnose kidney stones. With time, most kidney stones will move down the ureter and into the bladder. Pain relievers and, in rare situations, drugs that help the urine move more easily are used to treat the condition. For stones that do not move through the ureter and into the bladder on their own, lithotripsy or surgical methods are effective.

Shock wave lithotripsy

 It is a treatment for kidney and ureter stones. To target the stone, shock waves are focused on it using X-rays or ultrasound. Shock waves fired repeatedly on the stone generally shatter it into little fragments. Over the course of a few weeks, these tiny fragments of stones flow out in the urine.


 It is a procedure for removing stones from the kidney and ureter. A tiny telescope called a ureteroscope is sent into the bladder, up the ureter, and into the kidney during the surgery. The stone is then broken apart using laser/pneumatic radiation and retrieved with a basket-like device after it has been discovered.

Percutaneous nephrolithotomy/mini perc

 In this treatment, a tiny cut is made in the back or side of the patient to allow a hard tool known as a nephroscope to be inserted into the kidney where the stone is placed. A device inserted into the nephroscope breaks apart the stone and suctions the particles out.


Kidney stones are a regular occurrence. Prevention strategies do not ensure that they will work, but they may minimize your risk. According to Hiranandani Hospital Powai News, staying hydrated and adopting specific dietary modifications are your best bets for avoiding kidney stones.

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