Socialite Kim Kardashian prepares for 4th marriage

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American socialite, Kim Kardashian in a recent episode of Hulu’s The Kardashians, revealed that she was prepared to walk down the aisle for the fourth time.

The reality TV star who recently concluded her divorce with American recording artiste, Kanye West is currently in a relationship with comedian Pete Davidson.

Read also: Kim Kardashian, partner, Pete Davidson hangout with ex-world’s richest man Jeff Bezos and his girlfriend

The mother of four speaking on her family show mentioned that she wants one more wedding after getting married and divorced three times.

“I believe in love,” the 41-year-old says while engaging in a conversation with her mother Kris Kardashian.

She adds: “That’s why, hopefully, there will be just one more wedding for me. Fourth time’s the charm!”

Watch the clip below.

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