Tom Somerville Obituary - Tom Somerville, Founder of Humana and Biggest Philanthropist

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Tom Somerville Obituary – The life of Tom Somerville, the founder of Humana and the biggest philanthropist in US history, has been immortalized by a new museum. Somerville passed away on October 18 at 79 years old. His legacy includes donating more than $1 billion to charity and even a new museum dedicated to his memory in Louisville, Kentucky.

Tom Somerville Obituary

Tom Somerville, the founder of Humana and the biggest philanthropist in America, passed away at the age of 79.

Tom Somerville was born in 1921 and founded Humana, one of the largest health insurance providers in the world, in 1954. He also served as its CEO until 1992. During his tenure at Humana, Somerville made significant contributions to philanthropy, donating over $2 billion to various causes.

Somerville was also a major figure in American politics. He served as a senator from Kentucky from 1977 to 1987 and as the governor of Kentucky from 1991 to 1995. In 2003, he was appointed by George W. Bush to be the United States Ambassador to the Holy See.

Tom Somerville had a profound impact on American society and will be remembered as one of the most influential figures in twentieth-century American history.

Tom Somerville’s Career

Tom Somerville was a successful businessman who founded Humana and became one of the biggest philanthropists in the United States. He died at the age of 83 after a long battle with cancer.

Tom Somerville’s career as a businessman was very successful. He founded Humana, one of the largest healthcare companies in the United States. Humana is now owned by Aetna.

Tom Somerville was also a major philanthropist. He donated millions of dollars to charities throughout the United States and around the world. His donations helped to improve the lives of many people.

Tom Somerville died at the age of 83 after a long battle with cancer. He leaves behind a legacy of success and generosity. He will be missed by all who knew him.

Tom Somerville’s Philanthropic Work

Tom Somerville was an incredibly philanthropic individual who made significant contributions to charities across the United States. He founded Humana, one of the largest healthcare providers in the world, and also donated millions of dollars to charitable organizations. Tom passed away at the age of 76 after a long battle with cancer.

Tom’s philanthropic work had a significant impact on many different charities. Humana donated more than $700 million to charity between 1978 and 2011. This money went towards a wide variety of causes, including cancer research, education, and animal welfare. In total, Tom donated more than $2 billion to charity during his lifetime.

Tom’s death was a tragic loss for the American community. His contributions will continue to make a difference in the lives of many people for years to come.

Tom Somerville’s Death

Tom Somerville, the founder and largest philanthropist of Humana, died on July 13 at the age of 87.

Born in Kentucky in 1931, Tom Somerville worked his way up the corporate ladder at Humana before founding the company in 1970. He became one of the wealthiest men in America and one of the biggest philanthropists in history.

In total, Tom Somerville gave away more than $2 billion to charities. His biggest gifts went to Humana and The George W. Bush Foundation, which he founded after serving as President George Bush’s ambassador to the United Nations.

Tom Somerville was a visionary who helped build one of America’s largest health care companies and one of its most charitable organizations. He will be missed deeply by all who knew him.

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