Actress Ada Ameh opens up on mental health battle

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Veteran Nigerian actress, Ada Ameh has revealed in a newly released post on her Instagram platform that she is currently battling with a mental health challenge.

Taking to Instagram on Wednesday morning, June 15, the ‘The Johnsons’ actress stated that there is an underlying issue that is affecting her life and she requires the assistance of ‘good people’

In the video, Ameh who lost her only daughter in October 2020 stated, “It is taking my life.”

Read also:Actress Ada Ameh narrates how she gave birth at 13 years

The actress went further to reveal that due to her mental health challenge, she didn’t follow through on a job and she’s being sued for it.

Sharing the video on Instagram, she included the caption, “Do me good. Because God is good”

Listen to her speak;

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